Santa Cruz, CA - The City Of Surfers
Updated: Oct 4, 2023
Catch The PLANE & get INSANE
Before I knew if I would ever visit Santa Cruz, CA - The City Of Surfers, I imagined the town as very laid-back, where people walked the streets with surfboards and rode skateboards - just like in American movies.

When we got to Santa Cruz it was exactly like this
and even more cinematic!

Considering the fact that smoking weed is legal in California, I can probably safely assume that
that 95% of the people we came into contact with were high.
I don't know if it's the influence of positive vibrations or something else in the air,
but being in this little surfer's paradise I forgot what stress is.
I really forgot!
This definition disappears there, becomes blurred, the head becomes lighter and the muscles automatically relax. We were immediately soaked in the peace that emanates from the residents.
After a whole day in Santa Cruz, I was so relaxed that at one point it was difficult for me to walk. 😄

There is very little traffic on the streets, most peoplego by walk, on a skateboard or by bike,
but it is a small town where you can get everywhere by bike.

On the main street there are a lot of small shops selling various clothes and gadgets.
Most of them are hippie/surf style, such as:
"Moon zone"
"Surf City"
"Pacific Wave"
- the names speak for themselves.

The city itself has an area of 40,996 km².
In fact, you could say the whole of Santa Cruz
it's the size of three and a half of the neighborhood where I was raised.

People are very nice and helpful!
For example, when we entered shops or hotels and asked for directions, everyone was happy to help.
In one of the hotels, the receptionist was so nice that he also suggested that we use the ice machine since he saw us with backpacks (we probably looked like we needed a cool down - it was quite warm😄).

Even though Santa Cruz is a small town, the relaxing atmosphere prevents you from getting bored; even if in the long run all it could offer was days spent on the beach.

The main attraction of the residents are waves and surfing,
and the main attraction for tourists is the amusement park.

I dreamed of surfing in Santa Cruz, unfortunately on the day we were there (and we were only there for 10 hours)
there was no wind at all...
The locals explained to us the way to the beaches where surfing could be possible that day, but unfortunately limited time did not allow us to do so, at least this time!

Despite such a short time spent in Santa Cruz, I can honestly say that it was enough to fall in love with this "laid back city", or "chill city", as Americans call it.

Watch the entire Santa Cruz adventure!
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Let me know in the comment - would you visit Santa Cruz?